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Encodes in the URL the name/value argument pairs passed in and writes them to an output string, in standard form, with ampersand characters (&) separating each name/value pair.



outstr (required)
Input. Name of a variable to create that stores the encoded output string.

render:argument (optional)
Input. Name/value pairs to be packed by the tag. The names and values of these arguments are URL- encoded and incorporated into the final URL.

An argument passed in with this parameter takes precedence over an argument passed in with the packedargs parameter. If the same argument is passed in with both, the packedargs version is overridden by the argument version.

packedargs (optional)
Input. Previously created URL-encoded packed arguments, in standard form; that is, the output of a previous render:packargs tag.


The GetPageURL element encodes ("packs") the four standard CS-Direct arguments (c, cid, ct, p) before creating a dynamic URL with them. If you need to include additional arguments in a URL, use this tag to URL-encode them ("pack" them) before passing them to the GetPageURL element.

Use this tag to pack up the arguments and store them as a string. Then, you pass that string to the GetPageURL element through the packedargs parameter of a render:callelement tag.


The possible values of errno include:

An argument is missing.


This code packs the name/value pair foo=bar into a URL-encoded string, calls the GetPageURL element, and passes in several arguments, including the URL-encoded (packed) one :

See Also


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FatWire JSP Tag Reference
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