WS Annotated TOC

ASGetAssetCount Returns a count of assets that exactly match the criteria
ASGetAssetList Returns a list of flex assets that exactly match the specified criteria or the created assetset.
ASGetAttributeValues Returns specified attribute values for all flex assets for the created assetset.
ASGetMultipleValues Returns lists of values for specified attributes for assets that match criteria included in the SEARCHSTATE parameter.
AssetGetChildren Queries the AssetRelationTree table and builds a list of child assets for the specified parent asset.
AssetGetLegalSubtypes Gets a list of asset subtypes that are valid for this asset type.
AssetGetSiteNode Returns the node ID of the specified page asset.
AssetGetSiteParent Loads the parent page of the specified page asset into memory as the Asset object.
AssetInspect Creates a list with the asset's attributes and the specification for each attribute.
AssetList Returns a list of assets for a specific asset type. The list is filtered according to specified criteria.
AssetLoad Queries the database for the specified asset, loads an instance of the asset into memory within the Asset object, and returns the loaded asset in an XML wrapper.
AssetLoadAll Loads all assets specified in the input list and creates objects with names made up of the prefix name plus a counter.
AssetSearch Creates a list with the asset's attributes and the specification for each attribute.
AssetTypeList Gets the list of assettypes
IList An IList object is an array that contains arrays of rows and columns (of either type string or type URL).
InputObjects This section describes input objects to web services operations. It also lists the methods that can be called on them.
LikeConstraint An input to a SearchState object.
MiscGetBlob Returns a blob (binary large object) stored in Sites .
NestedConstraint A NestedConstraint object is an input to a SearchState object.
RangeConstraint An input to a SearchState object.
RichTextConstraint An input to a SearchState object.
SearchState An input to the AssetSet operations.
SPGetChildren Returns a list of child nodes for the specified SitePlan node.
SPGetProperties Retrieves the properties for the specified node ID.
StandardConstraint An input to a SearchState object.
StringRowsType An array of rows, of type string, that is input to an IList object.
URLRowsType An array of rows, of type URL, that is input to an IList object.
URLType Provides methods for creating URL pointers.
WSDLOverview This section provides an overview of the predefined web services shipped with Sites . Each supplied web service is defined in WSDL (web services description language) format.