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Inserts a pagelet identified through a page name and a set of arguments.


   [<RENDER.ARGUMENT NAME="variable1" VALUE="value1"/>]


pagename (required)
Input. The name of the page to invoke.
cachecontrol (deprecated)
This attribute specifies for how long to cache the pagelet. See satellite.page for details about this parameter. This attribute is deprecated as its mis-use can result in expired pages being served from cache inadvertently. Instead of specifying this attribute, specify a value for cache information for Satellite Server in your Site Entry or Template asset.
packedargs (optional)
Input. Provides a way of specifying multiple arguments in one string. The value of this argument should be the output of a RENDER.PACKEDARGS tag.


Input. Name/value pairs to pass to the page entry.


This tag is the CS-Direct equivalent of the satellite.page tag with the following exception:

Use this tag to serve a CS-Direct page or pagelet when you are using CS-Satellite on your system. The page or pagelet must have a page entry in the SiteCatalog. If the specified pagelet is already cached on a CS-Satellite, this tag loads it. If the specified pagelet is not already cached, this tag caches it and loads it.

If an element is coded with a RENDER.SATELLITEPAGE tag but CS-Satellite is not present, RENDER.SATELLITEPAGE passes the call to RENDER.CONTENTSERVER which then serves the page or pagelet.

If an asset is being rendered through a template, the RENDER.CALLTEMPLATE tag should be used instead.


-106 if invalid parameters are passed. Invalid parameters are parameters that are not specified as PageCriteria in the SiteCatalog.


The following code inserts a nested pagelet whose pagename is TopNav. It passes to parameters, sitepfx and site, both of which correspond to variables with the same names.

    <RENDER.ARGUMENT name="sitepfx" value='Variables.sitepfx'/>
    <RENDER.ARGUMENT name="site" value='Variables.site'/>

See Also





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