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errno Error Values

Value Description
-1 Unknown user.
-2 Bad password.
-3 No privileges.
-4 Unknown error.
-5 No session.
-6 Not supported.
-7 No rt privileges.
-8 Maximum number of concurrent users exceeded.
-10 No such element.
-11 Can't find element definition.
-12 Error evaluating element.
-13 Limit out of bounds.
-14 Process exception error.
-15 Can't find SQL file.
-16 Empty list.
-20 Memory error.
-21 Memory error.
-22 Table already exists.
-30 Page not found.
-31 Page not live.
-32 No privileges to page.
-50 Bad start index.
-51 Bad end index.
-52 Empty output name.
-53 Empty search string.
-100 General exception.
-101 No rows returned.
-102 Empty column.
-103 No table.
-104 No table definition.
-105 Database error.
-106 Bad parameters.
-107 Duplicate.
-108 Tree selector error.
-109 Tree path not valid.
-110 Tree does not exist.
-111 No nodes.
-112 No parent.
-113 Invalid object information.
-114 Missing class type.
-115 Unknown object class.
-116 Unknown object ID.
-117 Unknown object style.
-118 No node to get.
-119 Child node error.
-200 Register event failed.
-201 Event exception.
-202 Email exception.
-203 Error managing event.
-204 Managed database event error.
-205 Event database exception.
-300 File not found.
-301 File not written.
-302 File not deleted.
-303 Path not found.
-304 File not read.
-305 Zip entry not read.
-306 Zip unpack error.
-307 File overwrite error.
-308 Zip exception.
-309 Zip validate error.
-310 File not folder.
-311 Folder not deleted.
-401 No XML input.
-402 No XML filter definition.
-403 XML parse failed.
-404 XML write failed.
-405 Bad XML file.
-406 Bad XML parameters.
-407 XML document failed.
-408 Bad XML syntax.
-500 Cannot go to row.
-501 Bad counter value.
-502 List has no columns.
-503 Non ContentServer list.
-504 List rename error.
-505 List copy error.
-506 Export error.
-507 Servlet I/O error (broken pipe).
-601 Mirror operation not running.
-602 Mirror operation in progress.
-603 Mirror variable not found.
-604 Mirror file not found.
-605 Mirror bad column type.
-606 Mirrored no rows.
-607 Mirror operation aborted.
-608 No mirror server.
-609 Network error occurred during mirror operation.
-610 Cannot mirror mixed columns.
-611 Mirror operation not completed.
-612 Bad mirror configuration information.
-613 Failed to create mirrored target.
-614 Not temp table.
-615 Node temp table.
-616 Attempt to mirror trees or tree nodes failed.
-617 Attempt to mirror tree table failed.
-618 Mirror target generated error response or no response.
-619 Error generating temporary table.
-700 Exception calling AppLogic.
-701 AppLogic error.
-800 Bad search type.
-801 Cannot load search engine.
-802 Unsupported search function.
-803 Search index create failed.
-804 Search index delete failed.
-805 Search add index failed.
-806 Search remove index failed.
-807 No search index found.
-808 Unknown search engine.
-809 Search failed.
-810 Bad character set.
-811 Bad native method call.
-812 Search no index.
-813 Bad search date.
-814 No field argument.
-815 Duplicate field values (Verity search).
-816 Pop file not created (Verity search).
-817 Data file not created (Verity search).
-818 Bad parser (Verity search).
-819 Unknown field type (Verity search).
-820 Unknown field (Verity search).
-821 No modified insert date (Verity search).
-822 Index already exists (Verity Search).
-823 Native method mismatch (Verity or AltaVista Search).
-850 No DRE connection.
-900 Class not found.
-901 No access.
-902 No instance.
-903 Execute error.
-904 Class cast.
-1000 Revision tracking error.
-2000 No command specified.
-2001 XML source descriptor not found. Valid assettype or assetdescriptor argument must be supplied to AssetMaker.
-2002 Descriptor parse failed.
-2003 Descriptor file is missing PROPERTIES tag.
-2004 No name field was specified for the asset in the descriptor file.
-2005 An error occurred creating the asset table. Please check the descriptor file for invalid STORAGE tags.
-2006 An error occurred creating the asset table. The table already exists.
-2007 An error occurred registering asset elements.
-3000 Bad certificate (SSL).
-3000 Request cache error.
-3100 BlobServer error.
-3200 EvalServer error.
-3300 Invalid JSP root.
-3301 Invalid JSP path.
-3302 Invalid object in hash.
-3303 No file created.
-3304 No dispatcher.
-3305 Error encountered when calling include file.
-3306 Problem with include file.
-3307 Bad parameters.
-3308 No JSP support.
-3400 Error executing database prepared statement.
-3401 Error executing database statement.
-3402 Error fetching from database.
-3403 Error on lookup of JNDI data source.
-3404 Installation error with JDBC driver.
-3405 Illegal access error with JDBC driver.
-3406 No class definition error with JDBC driver.
-3407 Error initializing database connection.
-3600 License verification failure.
-10001 The implementing class is invalid.
-10002 There is a missing method for the implementing class.
-10003 The method could not be invoked successfully.
-10004 A required parameter is missing.
-10005 The requested object is not in the object pool (is not loaded into memory).
-10006 The object ID is not valid.
-10007 The version of the object is not valid.
-10008 The node ID of the object is not valid.
-10009 More than one object met the specified criteria.
-10010 Invalid attribute value.
-10011 Table is not revision tracked.
-10012 Object is not checked out.
-10013 Object checked out by another user.
-10014 Object already checked out.
-10015 Cannot check out specified object.
-10016 Cannot check in specified object.
-10017 Cannot roll back specified object.
-10018 Cannot undo checkout of the specified object.
-10019 Table is not an object table.
-10020 Attempt to track a tracked table.
-10021 Cannot track specified object.
-10022 Cannot untrack specified object.
-10023 Invalid table name.
-10024 User not allowed access for request.
-12001 An expected table column or IList field was not found.
-12002 The ID of an object is not valid.
-12004 An asset was not found for the specified criteria.
-12005 There is no list with the specified name.
-12006 There is no such asset type.
-12007 The specified value is not valid.
-12008 Could not create object or asset.
-12009 A required parameter (argument) is missing.
-12010 A class was not found.
-12011 Mirror failed.
-12012 FTCS parse error.
-12013 No such resource.
-12014 Cannot be child asset.
-12015 Missing site node.
-12016 End queue.
-12017 Illegal asset relation.
-12018 Missing publication.
-12019 Bad template page name.
-12020 No object by name.
-12021 Invalid version (an integer was expected).
-12022 Missing property.
-12023 Missing password.
-12024 Missing group.
-12025 Missing process.
-12026 Missing step.
-12027 Cannot cancel.
-12028 Not logged in.
-12029 Missing user.
-12030 Insufficient privilege.
-12031 Wrong group state.
-12032 Create reference failed.
-12033 Export failed.
-12034 Publish in progress.
-12035 No asset assignment.
-12036 Wrong asset state.
-12037 Required field missing.
-12038 Incorrect data type.
-12039 Field too long.
-12040 Already in group.
-12041 Already in workflow.
-12042 Unknown attribute in asset.
-12043 Data out of range.
-12044 Publish setup failure.
-12045 Publish setup remote failure.
-12046 Publish cleanup failure.
-12047 Publish cleanup remote failure.
-12048 Not in group.
-12049 Not in workflow.
-12050 Incompatible process.
-12051 Directory error.
-12052 Null object.
-12053 Cannot delegate.
-12054 XML parser error.
-12055 No folder.
-12056 Name of asset used is not unique (for example, asset by this name already exists).
-12057 Core field required for a save of the asset is not available (assettype, subtype, name, clientapp).
-12058 Core field Publist, which contains the site ID, is not available during a save of the asset.
-12059 A particular field that was required for a save of the asset was not found; marked required by either external client admin or by the asset description (on inspect).
-12060 A field sent to the save asset function (after XML parsing) was too long.
-12061 RAE function being accessed for a site that the user does not have access to.
-12062 Ask step requires assignees.
-12063 Unsupported asset search.
-12064 Invalid asset search.
-12065 Asset publication update error.
-12066 Subtype required.
-12067 Deadline not allowed.
-12068 Illegal process deadline.
-12069 Publish in progress warning.
-12070 Asset not fully loaded. If it is to be edited, it should be loaded with 'editable' argument.
-12071 File copy failure.
-12072 Failure replicating site.
-12073 Failure checking out asset for publish.
-12074 Asset is referenced by another asset.
-12075 An asset of this type already exists using this name.
-12076 Workflow process is not active.
-12077 The asset has been marked void.
-12078 The cache rule (criteria) values set for the Template or Site Entry are invalid.
-13000 General - basic.jar. Represents the starting errno, but otherwise does not identify an error condition.
-13001 Column, intended for NoSuchFieldException conditions. Currently unused.
-13002 Asset class. Currently unused.
-13003 No such field. Indicates that a tag uses incorrect parameters.
-13004 Currency format. The CURRENCY.READCURRENCY tag encountered an incorrect number or improper placing of commas, decimals, and so forth.
-13005 Decimal format. The DECIMAL.READDECIMAL tag cannot convert in input string to a decimal.
-13006 Class not found. The misc.callmain tag discovered that .jar files were missing from the classpath during installation. This may or may not be a problem. The names of the missing files are written to stdout and are logged to the installation log.
-13050 General - assetframework.jar. Usually indicates that fields or columns of a resultset or list are not as expected. This can happen with mixed CS-Direct versions, or within a dated schema.
-13051 Column, intended for NoSuchFieldException conditions. Currently unused.
-13052 Asset class. Usually indicates a problem with the Java class referenced in either the ComplexAsset or the AssetType table.
-13053 No such field.
-13054 Bad publish target. Attempt to call OpenMarket/Xcelerate/PrologActions/Publish/Mirror1/RemoteComplexAssetPublish page on the target publish system failed.
-13055 Remote Publish Save Failure. Save of the published asset on the target system failed. Check the target system for errors.
-13100 Commerce initialization. There was a problem initializing mwb.commercecontextclass in gator.ini. Defaults to: com.openmarket.gator.commercecontext.CommerceContext.
-13101 Relationship error.
-13102 Attribute error. Possible causes include:
  • AssetType name (PAttributes, for example) is spelled incorrectly.

  • A tag references an invalid name of an attribute asset.

  • Attempted save of more than one value for a single-value attribute.

  • Attempted save of a value for an attribute that is defined as remote.

  • Multiple values specified for an attribute that is defined as remote.

-13103 XML parse error.
-13104 No index for attribute. A search engine indexed attribute is missing its indices.
-13105 Illegal external operation. The external ID of an external storage style attribute is null.
-13106 Invalid input list. Used by various cscommerce classes to indicate bad input data.
-13107 Cart merge failed.
-13108 Cart merge not allowed.
-13109 Negative price for line item.
-13110 No such cart in cartset.
-13111 Cartset data row does not match cartset index.
-13500 Content Server commerce error.
-13501 Impossible condition - probable bug.
-13502 Function not implemented, or Commerce Connector not installed.
-13510 Bad configuration data in transact.ini.
-13511 Invalid store ID.
-13512 Invalid input list.
-13513 Invalid cart or order parameter.
-13514 Invalid cart or order item parameter.
-13515 Invalid quantity for line item.
-13516 No such line item in cart or order.
-13517 Unknown currency.
-13518 Currency mismatch.
-13519 Invalid DO or DC.
-13520 Invalid user.
-13530 Cart or order has no items.
-13531 Cart or order already checked.
-13532 Cart or order must be checked first.
-13533 Error returned by remote commerce system.
-13700 Visitor Error. Possible causes are:
  • Rulesets are not of the correct type

  • Runtime class generation or compilation errors

Check vis.genclasspath and vis.compileclasspath in visitor.ini.
-13701 No argument.
-13702 Bad argument.
-13703 Invalid object state. Possible causes include:
  • Invalid constraints on visitor or history attributes

  • Trying to retrieve data for an unknown user

-13704 Constraint violation. Violation of constraints on visitor or history attributes.
-13705 Type mismatch. Data or constraints do not match the data type on a visitor or history attribute.
-13706 Type unsupported. The attribute data type specified is not valid for a particular constraint.
-13707 Value not specified. A required attribute value was not specified.
-13708 Object not found. The name of a visitor or history attribute is misspelled or does not exist.
-13709 Object type unsupported
-13710 Function unavailable. An indication from Commerce Connector that an operation is unavailable, such as trying to write to the Transact database.
-13711 Commerce Connector status error. An indication that Commerce Connector issued an error.
-13712 Commerce Connector status error. An indication that Commerce Connector issued an error.
-13713 Commerce ID not set.
-13714 Connection closed. Currently unused.
-13715 Reserved name. Certain visitor and access key names are reserved for system use.
-13716 Rule parse error.
-15002 Name being created already exists.
-15003 Name being deleted does not exist.
-15004 Implementation doesn't support this operation
-15005 Unexpected naming exceptions from JNDI provider.
-15006 A required property missing, or class name specified for factory classes is in error.
-15007 Unexpected schema violation errors from JNDI provider.
-15008 General error in the syntax of an IName.
-15009 Unexpected invalid attribute exceptions from JNDI provider
-15010 Unexpected invalid attribute id exceptions from JNDI provider.
-15011 Unexpected invalid attribute value exceptions from JNDI provider.
-15012 User does not have permission to perform the operation.
-15013 Node cannot be deleted because it has children.
-15014 Unexpected JNDI read error.
-15015 Unexpected JNDI write error.
-15016 JNDI attribute already in use.
-15017 User is already a member.
-15018 User is not a member.
-15020 User is not valid.
-15023 Unexpected JNDI connection errors.
-15024 Required attribute missing.
-15025 Unknown error.
-15026 Missing required create attribute.
-15027 User create SQL failure.
-15028 User delete SQL failure.
-15029 Cannot delete user attributes.
-15030 SQL error.
-15031 Query failed.
-15032 Add attribute SQL failed.
-15033 Database error occurred while handling new attribute.
-15034 Database error occurred while attempting to delete an attribute.
-15036 Missing or invalid child argument tags for tag.
1 Success.
2 No change to current row.
3 Initialization complete.
4 Table created.
5 Replaced rows id.
6 Column case lower.
7 Column case mixed.
8 Validate completed.
9 Search index exists.
10 Tree successfully created.
10 Revision tracking system not initialized.
10 Revision tracking system not initialized.
11 Temporary table created.
11 User logged in.
12 Mirror get configuration.
13 Database ping acknowledgment.
20 Failed to get the tracked table.
21 Invalid version number for asset referenced in the tracker table.
22 Asset to be tracked does not exist in source.
23 Failed to get column data from source table.
24 Failed to read file referenced in a URL field.
25 Column in source table does not have corresponding column in tracker table.
26 Failed to insert row in to tracker table.
30 Failed to get tracked table.
31 Failed to find revision in tracker table.
32 Failed to get column data from tracker table.
33 Failed to read file for revision.
34 Column in tracker table does not have a corresponding column in source table.
35 Column in tracker table does not have a corresponding column in source table of the correct type.
36 Failed to replace row in source table.
40 Failed to find revision in tracker table.
41 Failed to delete row from tracker table.
50 User cannot lock revision.
51 Failed to update row in tracker table.
60 Failed to update row in tracker table.
70 User cannot commit revision.
71 Failed to find revision in tracker table.
72 Failed to verify maximum versions.
80 User cannot release revision.
81 Failed to find revision in tracker table.
90 Failed to get tracker table.
91 User cannot roll back revision.
92 Failed to find asset in tracker table.
93 Failed to find revision for asset in tracker table.
100 Table not currently tracked.
101 User cannot query for revisions on this table.
102 User can only query for revisions created by or locked by self.
110 Source table already tracked.
111 Failed to get source table to be tracked.
112 Failed to create tracker table.
113 User cannot track this table.
120 Source table not currently tracked.
121 Failed to get tracker table.
122 Failed to delete tracker table.
123 User cannot track this table.
130 User cannot unlock records in this table.
131 Failed to find asset in tracker table.
140 User cannot delete revisions for this table.
150 User cannot set number of revisions for this table.
151 Source table not currently tracked.
152 Failed to update number of revisions for this table.
160 User cannot retrieve revision.
161 Failed to find asset in tracker table.
162 Failed to find revision for asset in tracker table.
163 Failed to get tracked table.
164 Failed to get column data from tracker table.
165 Failed to read file for revision.
166 Column in tracker table does not have corresponding column in source table.
167 Column in tracker table does not have corresponding column in source table of correct type.


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FatWire Miscellaneous Reference
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