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Edits assets from the user interface.



assetid (required)
ID of the asset to be edited.

assetfield (required)
Name of the field of the asset to be edited.

assettype (required)
Type of asset to be edited.

ewebeditpro (optional)
Legal values are true or false. The default value is false.

width (optional)
Width of the asset in percentage or pixels. The default value is 100%.

height (optional)
Height of the asset in pixels only. The default value is 200 pixels. Percentage values are unsupported.

variable (optional)
You must use at least one of the following four parameters: variable, ssvariable, property, or list and column (list and column must be used together). Name of the Content Server variable that you want to stream to a page. For example, for a variable called foo, set the parameter equal to foo rather than to Variables.foo.

ssvariable (optional)
You must use at least one of the following four parameters: variable, ssvariable, property, or list and column (list and column must be used together). Name of the Content Server session variable that you want to stream to a page.

property (optional)
You must use at least one of the following four parameters: variable, ssvariable, property, or list and column (list and column must be used together). A Content Server property from the futuretense.ini property file.

list (optional)
You must use at least one of the following four parameters: variable, ssvariable, property, or list and column (list and column must be used together). Name of the list.

column (optional)
You must use at least one of the following four parameters: variable, ssvariable, property, or list and column (list and column must be used together). Name of the field in the list.


This tag allows you to edit assets in the Content Server system. When editing standard assets (the assetfiledid is the column name, for example), the Headline field is the description column for Article assets. When editing flex assets, the attribute name should be preceded by the prefix Attribute_; for example, the body attribute would be Attribute_body. For more information about editing assets, see the CS Developer's Guide.


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FatWire JSP Tag Reference
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