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Emits an HTML <form> tag suitable for using in a Satellite Server, Content Server, or mixed Content Server-Satellite Server environment.



classname (optional)
Input. This parameter is used by the URL generation mechanism to allow the class implementing the IReference interface to be overidden. This can be useful when modifying the URL structure or when modifying the exported path names. The default value is COM.FutreTense.Export.DiskPageRef.
container (optional)
Input. Specify either servlet or portlet to construct a URL for that particular container. This is typically used as an override when constructing a link to a servlet from within a portlet. If this is omitted, Content Server will detect the current container type and the current type will be used.
satellite (optional)
Specify either true or false to force the url to be generated for a servlet context or a satellite server context respectively. If not specified (the default behaviour), Content Server will detect whether or not the URL should be generated for Satellite Server and set the value accordingly.
action (optional)
Specifies the action (URL) to which this form will be posted. Unlike the HTML form tag, this attribute is optional, and it will by default submit to Content Server (or, if Satellite Server is present, to Content Server via Satellite Server.
method (optional)
Specifies the HTTP method to be used while submitting this form. Default value is blank which is "GET" in HTML.
enctype (optional)
Specifies the attribute of the same name for the HTML form tag.
acceptcharset (optional)
Specifies the attribute of the same name for the HTML form tag.
accept (optional)
Specifies the attribute of the same name for the HTML form tag.
name (optional)
Specifies the attribute of the same name for the HTML form tag.
onsubmit (optional)
Specifies the attribute of the same name for the HTML form tag.
onreset (optional)
Specifies the attribute of the same name for the HTML form tag.
target (optional)
Specifies the attribute of the same name for the HTML form tag.
windowstate (optional)
Specifies the windowstate of the portlet being referred to by this URL. Values are defined by JSR-168 and can include maximized, minimized, etc. If omitted, no value is specified.
portletmode (optional)
Specifies the portlet mode for the URL being generated. If the URL is not being generated for a portlet, this value is ignored. Possible values may include edit, view, and help. If omitted, no value is specified.
portleturltype (optional)
Specifies whether the portlet url being specified is an action url (action) or a render url (render). By default, a render url is used.
assembler (optional)
Short form name for uri assembler class. Specifying an assembler overrides the default assembler used by Content Server to construct URLs. Omitting this value will cause URLs generated by this tag to use the assembler registered with an index of 0 in the request property file.


Emits an HTML <form> tag suitable for using in a Satellite Server, Content Server, or mixed Content Server-Satellite Server environment. It eliminates the need to have to specify the action parameter, and by doing so, gives control over the action URL to the Satellite Server tags.

Forms using this tag can be posted "through" Satellite Server to a Content Server system without having to consider complex caching configuration options (the pagelet that processes the post must not be cached, though.


errno is not set by this tag.


The following form posts back to Content Server to the page named "sayHello", and can be executed through Satellite Server.

See Also


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FatWire JSP Tag Reference
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