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Inserts a pagelet identified through a page name and a set of arguments.


   [<render:argument name="variable1" value="value1"/>]


pagename (required)
Input. The name of the page to invoke.
cachecontrol (deprecated)
This attribute specifies for how long to cache the pagelet. See satellite:page for details about this parameter. This attribute is deprecated as its mis-use can result in expired pages being served from cache inadvertently. Instead of specifying this attribute, specify a value for cache information for Satellite Server in your Site Entry or Template asset.
packedargs (optional)
Input. Provides a way of specifying multiple arguments in one string. The value of this argument should be the output of a render:packargs tag.


render:argument (optional)
Input. Name/value pairs to pass to the page entry.


This tag is the CS-Direct equivalent of the satellite:page tag with the following exception:

Use this tag to serve a CS-Direct page or pagelet when you are using CS-Satellite on your system. The page or pagelet must have a page entry in the SiteCatalog. If the specified pagelet is already cached on a CS-Satellite, this tag loads it. If the specified pagelet is not already cached, this tag caches it and loads it.

If an element is coded with a render:satellitepage tag but CS-Satellite is not present, render:satellitepage passes the call to render:contentserver which then serves the page or pagelet.

If an asset is being rendered through a template, the render:calltemplate tag should be used instead.


-106 if invalid parameters are passed. Invalid parameters are parameters that are not specified as PageCriteria in the SiteCatalog.


The following code inserts a nested pagelet whose pagename is specified by the variable TopNavVar. It passes to parameters, sitepfx and site, both of which correspond to variables with the same names.

<render:satellitepage pagename='<%=ics.GetVar("TopNavVar")%>'>
    <render:argument name="sitepfx" value='<%=ics.GetVar("sitepfx")%>'/>
    <render:argument name="site" value='<%=ics.GetVar("site")%>'/>

See Also





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FatWire JSP Tag Reference
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