CS 6.3
Release Notes


        Dec 2, 2005

Welcome to the release notes for Content Server V6.3. For the latest release notes, check the FatWire e-docs web site. The release notes contain descriptions of new features, changes in functionality, known problems, and other last-minute information about Content Server 6.3.

For additional information, contact FatWire technical support.

Document history:

Table of Contents 

Getting Started

The Content Server product CD includes a zip file (named DOC630.zip or DOC630.tar) of all the CS 6.3 documentation, including the installation guides. Unzip this file and begin reading the installation guide appropriate for your configuration. These guides explain how to install Content Server and the underlying DBMS, application server, portal server (optional), and JDBC driver.

If you are installing Satellite Server, read the Installing Satellite Server guide.



Kit Contents

This kit includes the following items:



 Documentation Set

The CS 6.3 document set provides documentation for different kinds of users. Updates to product documentation, as they are made, are posted to the following URL: http://e-docs.fatwire.com/CSEE/6.3.0.  For a description of the documents please refer to the Documentation Notes link on the site.  Check the site regularly for the latest set.




New Features

What's new in Content Server 6.3?

New in Content Server 6.2?

- Finish off all the assignments in the FirstSite workflow

- Delete the FirstSite workflow

- Follow the instructions to upgrade from CS 6.1 in the upgrade guide.

            Also ft.sync needs to be unset during upgrades

- Existing entries in the database that have the database name will not be updated.
- CSE continues to display the database username.


What’s New in Content Server 6.1?

Features Removed in Release 6.x

·       Integration of Content Server with the AltaVista search engine is no longer supported.

·       The FileServer functionality is replaced by Satellite Server. The functionality of EvalServer has been disabled.

·       Some CS tags have been deprecated. These include CONTENTSERVER.*, EVALSERVER.*, CALLAPPLOGIC, satellite.tag, satellite:tag, CATALOGMANAGER.EXPORTFORM, ics:catalogmanager.exportform. For a full listing of deprecated tags, please refer to the Content Server Tag Reference (look in the XML Index under Deprecated Tags).

Major Bug Fixes in 6.3


Blob Server


CS Desktop

CS Engage



Satellite Server



Major Bug Fixes in 6.2






Search Engine

Site Replication



Major Bug Fixes in 6.1



 System Requirements

See the SPD on FatWire e-docs web site for the list of J2EE components (web servers, application servers, DBMSs, JDBC drivers, and so on) that CS 6.3 supports. You should also check with FatWire Support to see if there are any known issues with the configuration you wish to use.

Also, refer to the vendor release notes for all J2EE components to find the latest e-fixes, patches, and service packs required to run your component.

JRE 1.4.1 or higher required by Content Server

Content Server 6.3 works in application servers running J2SDK/J2RE  1.4.1 and above. Please make sure that appropriate version of JRE in installed and configured before installing Content Server.

Please also make sure that older versions of the JDK or JRE are not present in the PATH or CLASSPATH environment variables, especially if you plan to run Content Server in an environment that relies on these entries to be correct (resin, for example).

As of JRE 1.4.1, Sun has moved certain netscape.* classes from jaws.jar to plugin.jar. If you encounter a java.lang.NoClassDefFound  (or related) exception, make sure that JRE is properly installed on the client machine. This error is usually seen on the client machine while loading the Tree applet.

Another common problem encountered is a type of JSPException with a message like the following: "The major.minor version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand". This error is related to the incorrect version of tools.jar in the class path. Make sure tools.jar loaded belongs to the correct JRE by launching JVM with a -verbose option.



 Installation and Upgrade Notes

This section describes additional steps that are necessary when installing Content Server 6.3.

General Notes

CS Installer needs JVM 1.4.x to work properly. It will not work with previous versions. (#13243)

Windows install fails if there is a space in the path to CS home directory (#13876)

In Application/Portal server jvm options, include the settting -Djava.awt.headless=true

Content Server contains a modified version of the Microsoft XML Parser in the MSXML.jar file, which can cause conflicts if another version is in use. If you have Microsoft's version of MSXML.jar installed on your machine and this file is referenced in the CLASSPATH environment variable, you must change the path to the Content Server version; otherwise, Content Server fails when parsing XML.

If an installation of CS fails then do the following before retrying the installation:

Running the installer on top of a failed install corrupts SatelliteServer.properties file. The workaround is to manually set the properties correctly or run the installation after cleaning up the failed install.

ft.sync needs to be unset during upgrades/new setups

BEA Application and Portal Server

IBM WebSphere Application and Portal Server

Sun ONE Application and Portal Server

JBoss Application Server


Additional Steps to Configure System for CS-Desktop and Document Transformation Filter

In addition, there are extra installation steps if you are using CS-Desktop, or the document transformation filter (#9760). When using CS-Desktop, the locale of the operating system, the application server, the installation of Microsoft Word, and the Internet Explorer on the client system must all be set to U.S. English with UTF-8 characters. Complete the steps appropriate for your system:

Browser Encoding

To change the character set for Internet Explorer 5.5, click View > Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8).

Server-Side Locale and Character Set

Make sure that your application server is also set for U.S. English using UTF-8 characters.

For Weblogic, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the following at the beginning of the startWebLogic.sh and startManagedWebLogic.sh scripts:
  2. On the startManagedWebLogic script, in the JAVA_OPTIONS section, add the parameter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8.
  3. Change futuretense.ini to set cs.contenttype=text/html;\ charset\=UTF-8.
  4. Change futuretense_xcel.ini to set xcelerate.charset=UTF-8.


For WebSphere, be sure that the default client encoding and file encoding values in the System Properties section of the JVM Settings tab are set as follows:


  1. Open the startManagedWebLogic.sh script in a text editor.
  2. Scroll down to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting and append the following string to the value:
  3. Save the file.

Windows 2000/WebLogic/Oracle

  1. Open the startManagedWebLogic.cmd script.
  2. Scroll down to the PATH setting and append the following string to the value:
    drive letter:\application-server-install-dir\server\bin
  3. Save the file.


  1. Open the WebSphere Console.
  2. In the tree on the left, select the application server that represents Content Server.
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Click the Environment button.
  5. Enter the following Name/Value pair:
  6. Save your changes.

Windows 2000/WebSphere/Oracle

  1. Open the WebSphere console.
  2. In the tree on the left, select the application server that represents Content Server.
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Click the Environment button.
  5. Enter the following Name/Value pair:
  6. Save your changes.


  1. Open the startupServer.sh file in a text editor.
  2. Scroll down to the DB2 section, which is in the else clause of the if DB_TYPE condition statement.
  3. Append the following path to the LIBPATH=$LIBPATH setting, separated with a colon (:) from the other path strings for the setting: /Content-Server-install-dir/bin
  4. Save your changes.

eWebEditPro License

Within Content Server, Ektron eWebEditPro ships with a 30-day evaluation license. At the end of the evaluation period, customers interested in purchasing a license for eWebEditPro should contact their FatWire sales representative. Once the license arrives, it must be placed in the file ewebeditprolicensekey.txt, normally located in the eWebEditPro directory under web server.

Upgrade Notes

Backup the database, application server and the installation folder before an upgrade

If the CS installation being upgraded has LDAP integrated, then there is no need to disable LDAP. Before upgrading such an installation make sure that all the properties in dir.ini are set correctly.  Also set jndi.poolConnections=true and set jndi.poolsize in dir.ini. This will pool the LDAP connections.

While upgrading, do not select a new sample site to be installed.

Turn off revision tracking for the following assets and tables before running the upgrade process:

If an upgrade process fails in between, restore the system to the original state (for all components - database, application server and CS installation folder) before restarting the upgrade process again.

Set  cs.privuser and cs.password to blank in futuretense.ini for better performance. Currently the installer sets it which in itself is correct but reduces performance (#3608)

Also before upgrade, set the following property in futuretense.ini: secure.CatalogManager=false

Attribute Editor Elements variables name have been changed in 6.x. To upgrade a custom attribute editor from version 5.5.2 and below, the following steps are needed.

  1. Open the element files under $CS_SharedDirectory/elements/OpenMarket/Gator/AttributeTypes
  2. Replace all Variables.AttrName with Variables.cs_SingleInputName if it is not preceded with Counters.TCounter (for single valued attribute)
  3. Replace Counters.TCounterVariables.AttrName with Variables.cs_MultipleInputName (for multiple valued attribute)

Sample Code

The installation media of Content Server  includes a folder (named Samples) with sample code for AssetMaker, XMLPost, and BulkLoader. Please refer to the readme file in the Samples folder for details of the sample code. The folder is not installed on the customer's system but is available on the installation media for reference. 



Clustering Notes

The file ftFileLock.dll/libFTFileLock.so must exist in the path for clustering to work properly.

Content Server uses the java.io.tmpdir specified by the jvm and creates temporary file and sub-folders within. In some instances, if Content Server is configured to use multiple jvms (a.k.a. vertical cluster) or if the box is configured with multiple Content Server environments (i.e authoring and staging on the same box), there is a risk that all jvm or environments will use the same temporary directory specified by java.io.tmpdir. It would be best to configure each jvm to use its own java.io.tmpdir (#13684).

Application Servers:

Copy ftFileLock.dll/libFTFileLock.so file into the lib directory of the Application server or else add the location to the path statement for the server. Restart the server. e.g. In WebSphere - add to the "PATH" using the WAS admin console in "Process Definition-Environment Entries".

Operating System:

The ftFileLock.dll/libFTFileLock.so should be in the library path.



Known Issues in CS 6.3

The known issues in release 6.3 are described in this section and are sorted by product.

Application Servers

 (#11461) Need patch from BEA to enable javascript in portlets.

Javascript doesn't work on BEA managed server set up in Production mode. To use the portal defined from Weblogic Administration Tools Portal (the WebUI, not the WorkShop), contact BEA to obtain patch CR 131778. Install the patch.

(#13719) Log file futuretense.txt is not created when using Sun JES 2005 Q1.

This is fixed by Sun in JES 2005 Q4 release

(#3651) In BEA LDAP integration, CS does not ask realm name from user and assumes default of 'myrealm'.


Attribute Editors

(#8220) The XML code for attribute editors can have no extra white space in the text entry field in the New or Edit Attribute Editor form.

This includes hard spaces between lines of code and indenting. When there are additional white spaces, the attribute editor does not work properly when a user attempts to add a value for the flex attribute that uses the editor.




(#605) Deleting tables using CatalogManager.

If you have enabled revision tracking for an object table, and then you delete the table using CatalogManager, Content Server still thinks that the table is being revision tracked.

(#2037) SystemSQL column tablename is allowed to be null.

Content Server allows the value in the tablename column in the SystemSQL table to be null. However, for result set caching to work properly, this value must be specified.

(#2534) Cannot log in to Content Server if username is the same as "id" value in SystemUsers.

You cannot log into Content Server if the username you are using to log in has the same "id" value of a different user in the SystemUsers table. For example, DefaultReader has an ID value of 2. If you create a user with the username "2," that user cannot log in.




(#2272) Selecting a specific HTML file for import does not work properly if more than one file exists in the directory location.

(#2548) CatalogMover does not export from columns that hold blobs.

For example, a table is created with a column using the data type specified by the property cc.blob. An image is uploaded to the table. When CatalogMover exports the row, the image is not written out to the export data.




(#1131) LONG and LONG RAW columns cannot be mirrored.

When using Oracle, LONG and LONG RAW columns cannot be mirrored. Use a URL column rather than a LONG or LONG RAW.

(#1700) For Microsoft SQL Server databases, Content Server recommends maximum length of 4000 characters for Varchar columns.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database allows a maximum size of 8000 characters in a varchar type column. Using JDBC, however, it is possible to insert/update data of only 4000 characters or less using prepared statement technique (Content Server users this technique). Attempts to insert/update data larger than that size fail with an error. As a result of this anomaly, Content Server’s insert/updates fail with the following message in the logs “Disallowed implicit conversion from data type ntext to data type varchar”.

It is therefore advised that that the varchar column be created with capacity less than 4000. If size requirement for this column is greater than 4000, please consider using a ‘URL type’ field.

(#3617)  Content Server doesn't handle field length correctly when using UTF-8.

e.g. The maximum length of asset's name is 64 characters in html form (input type="text" maxlength="64"). If I enter 64 ä-letters into the text field, SQLException occurs. That happens because the name field is VARCHAR(64), which is 64 bytes which is incorrect for UTF-8.

(#13270) Case sensitive database causes error on call to CatalogList for catalog template

(#13765) CatalogManager doesn't support Oracle users with access to multiple schemas

When the oracle database user has access to multiple schemas, all these schemas are read when CatalogManager tries to find the table structure of tables.



Embedded Links

(#6623) It is possible to embed an embedded link inside another embedded link.

CS-Direct does not stop users from embedding links inside other embedded links. If this happens, the links may not be resolved on the page that displays the asset (that is, they are broken links).

(#10323) Embedded pagelets, using the 'Include' link, can not be rendered in the InSite Editor if ewebeditpro is true.

The Insite.Edit tag should have the ewebeditpro=true attribute removed when displaying an embedded pagelet.




(#13626) Editing fails if MAXLENGTH is specified for an ewebeditpro field.

Setting the MAXLENGTH attribute in the eWebEditPro does not allow an asset to be saved. This requires a manual edit in an eWebEditPro file. Edit ewep.js and search for "var editorEstimateContentSize=". Change whole to body e.g.
    var editorEstimateContentSize="whole";
    var editorEstimateContentSize="body";

(#13833) Attributes with EWebEditPro support do not work if they are placed right below any other attribute that has a button

(#13865) Links to anchor tags created with eWebEditPro within insite editing have the complete URL encoded which causes problems when content is published.



First Site II

(#13963) Site Replication throws exceptions when replicating First Site II with only Core and Document Schema installed.

(#13964) Cannot create a media asset when only the following First Site II components are installed - FSII Core, FSII Store Schema and FSII Store Demo Data



Flex Families

(#9442) Asset types other than flex assets may show in the Admin when tree is not displayed.

When the treeview is toggled off and you click "List All Flex Family Asset Types," the list returned are not all flex assets.



InSite Editor

(#7316) InSite Editor needs to perform an additional check when revision tracking is on.

When a user views an asset in the InSite Editor, the InSite Editor checks to make sure the asset is not locked and it displays the most recent version. However, it does not lock the asset until the user clicks the pencil icon.

At that point, when it does lock the asset, the InSite Editor should check the version one more time. It does not. Because the asset was not locked, it is possible that another user could have opened, edited, and saved it while the first user was viewing it. This means that the original user could now be working on an out-of-date version of the asset.

 (#11890) Selecting a workflow assignment may close InSite Editor.

If an assignment link is selected from InSite Editor and the link points to an asset that is unsupported for editing by ISE, then ISE will close.

(#13061) InSiteEditor does not refresh to show the pencil icons for editing after the deny permission to edit is removed for author user.

To keep up with the performance, insite content is designed to be cached with other part of the pagelet. The current implementation keeps track of all direct dependencies, including access permission and workflow state, which are all direct related to the asset instance.  The workaround is to flush CS and SS cache and the pencil icons will start showing correctly.




InSite Templating

(#13993) Save does not work on Tomcat

(#13995) Insite Templating control panel throws a javascript error on Oracle application server





(#13100) Error messages in futuretense.txt while installing CS

e.g. Exception checking for url http://<machinename>:<port>/futuretense_cs/formerror.html

(#13876) Windows install fails if there is a space in the path to CS home directory




(#13471) CS does not support table names and column names with multibyte UTF-8 characters in Oracle 9i, MS SQL Server, and DB2. 

Its recommended not to use muti-byte characters in the following:



Java API

(#1513) Content Server requires column names returned in length order.

When implementing an IList, Content Server requires that column names be returned in length order, especially when one column name is a prefix of another column name (i.e., order and order_id). This can affect performance if the implementing IList class wants to maintain a column order.

(#2046) ics.CommitBatchedCommands() does not return the correct status.

ics.CommitBatchedCommands() does not return the correct status or set the errno variable properly in every situation.




(#13974) Keyview doesnt work correctly for translating Microsoft Excel to HTML on Linux




 (#1597) Content Server Events (APPEVENT) are ignored if the previous event took too long.

For example, if you have a Content Server event that is scheduled to occur every minute and one of the events took 70 seconds to execute, the next event is ignored.

(#2035) Changing cc.contentkey causes problems.

Changing the value of the cc.contentkey property to something other than the default value causes problems with CS tables that depend on this property. FatWire recommends that you do not change this property.

(#2775) Mirroring sets errno incorrectly.

Mirroring fails to set errno if it fails to write a file to the folder specified by defdir in the SystemInfo table.

(#13128) If a user has an asset checked out, and admin removes access permission for the user, the item is still checked out to the user. It does not automatically get checked in.

(#13870) ics.sendmail does not work when using authenticating SMTP server

(#13987) Preview operation picks up incorrect Satellite Server URL if multiple Remote Satellite Servers are registered




 (#1752) The publishing process cannot mirror query assets that are referenced in the code in an attribute editor asset.

Because the publish process does not parse the code in attribute editors, it cannot determine whether an attribute editor uses a query asset. To work around this problem, explicitly publish the query assets that you are using with your attribute editors.

(#5493) Multiple users cannot perform bulk approvals at the same time.

It is recommended that only 1 user runs bulk approval at any given time. If you do need multiple users to run bulk approvals, please schedule accordingly.



Revision Tracking

(#145) Tracker table is wider than the source table.

The tracker table created by the revision tracking feature for a tracked table is always wider than the source table. This means that you cannot track tables that are close to the maximum row size supported by the database.

(#13915) Revision history links do not point to the correct revision media (Doc, Images)

The data stored in revision history is correct but links in Inspect screen of the revisions are not pointing to the correct uploaded revision files. The data links are all pointing to the latest uploaded revision file which is is wrong.




Satellite Server

(#2525) Satellite Server does not preserve the IP address of site visitors.

If you use the Content Server REMOTE_ADDR variable to return the IP address of a site visitor, the value returned contains the IP address of the Satellite Server machine instead of the IP address of the visitor. Workaround is using a cookie to set the remote IP address.




 (#8543) Cannot search on subtype field for assets with their subtypes set to "no subtype."

When upgrading from a Content Server version that does not support subtypes to CS 6.2, all legacy assets have their subtype value set to "no subtype."

Because the "no subtype" option does not appear in the subtype drop-down menu on the Advanced Search screen, you cannot run an advanced search based on the subtype field for assets with their subtype set to "no subtype."

(#13437) Cannot search with simple operators on a flex attribute that have verity enabled

When searching flex assets using the simple parser and the operators MATCHES, STARTS, ENDS, CONTAINS and SUBSTRING you need to specify a field. Example: keyword <MATCHES> Yaser Arafat. In BASIC assets it works because in the index there are fields with the same name as the fields in the asset, so you can query: keyword <MATCHES> Yaser Arafat. And it works. With Flex Attributes, the internal name of field used in verity index is different from the field used in the CS Database.

(#13881) JBoss cannot load Verity DLLs

(#13855) Verity indexes get corrupted during publishing if set up in asynchronous mode.

Verity indexes get corrupted during publishing if set up in asynchronous mode but work correctly if set up in synchronous mode.

(#13873) Editing assets in clustered environment with Verity in asynchronous mode crashes Verity.

(#13994) Verity indexing operations crash the JVM on Linux after installing a Verity Locale kit.

Using any Verity function after installing the Verity locale kit causes the JVM (running the application/portal server) to crash.  This happens only on Linux environment and Verity works correctly before the locale kit is installed.



Site Launcher

(#unknown) Need to reapprove assets shared by Site Launcher.

Any approved assets which are shared when a site is replicated with Site Launcher will need to be re-approved in the source site after site replication.



Tag Issues

(#2458) SQLEXP adds a percent sign (%) to the front and back of the literal when LIKE is used.

(#) POST tag sends login and logout requests to the URL being posted.

The POST tag works incorrectly when USERNAME, PASSWORD or LOGOUT attributes are passed to it. Login and logout requests are sent to the URL being posted to instead of CatalogManager. One workaround is to perform login before this tag is executed. Alternatively, FormPoster API can be directly used to perform the post operation.

(#5763) SEARCHSTATE.ADDRICHTEXTCONSTRAINT fails when the resultset returns more than 1000 rows.

(#13768) asset:loadrevision does not work and throws an exception.

(#13982) render:satelliteblob does not work when using c/cid/fieldname set of attributes

Workaround is to use the satellite:blob tag and specify the parentid attribute with a value set to "asset-cid:c" where c and cid are replaced with the actual values.



Templates and Elements

(#3210, #13653) JSP pages rendered have too much white-space

(#8014) Do not use <throwexception> in template code.

Do not use the tag <throwexception> in the code of a template asset. <throwexception> effectively kills execution in CS for itself and any nested or parent CS engine. This breaks template execution and streaming of data to the client. In addition, when a user approves a template for export publish, a <throwexception> terminates the execution of the approval page and the user gets no feedback.

(#12055) Approval may display an error (-10004) if template logic expects an argument that is not supplied by the Approval process.

Element logic which expects to be passed an argument may generate an error (-10004) when called during approval for export publish if that argument is not present. The error code is displayed in an information box after approval. The template writer should decide whether the error can be safely ignored, i.e. if the error occurs because the template or element is being called out of context and does not affect the approval dependencies.

(#13942) JSP is not always regenerated after a publishing to a cluster.

Workaround is to restart the cluster members once publish is complete




(#13474) Before upgrade, set the following property in futuretense.ini: secure.CatalogManager=false

If this property is set to true, you will get unknown username/password error while running pingdb. Once the upgrade process is complete, you can set this property back to true.

(#13292)The History and Vistor Attributes do not upgrade automatically from previous versions of Content Server to CS 6.2.

 Error during deserialization of history attribute on an upgrade from 5.5.1 to 6.2 The user to edit all visitor attributes and history attributes that have constraints, and basically respecify the constraints in the UI.

(#13097) DB differences between 5.5 and 6.2

Differences between 5.5.1 upgraded to 6.2 and pure 6.2 install.

TABLE Differences


Unique Tables, that still existed in the upgraded version – These tables are not used by 6.2 code anymore.  However, we do not recommend that you delete these tables.










CONSTRAINT Differences

Constraints that are not removed from 5.5.1 upgraded to 6.2. These constraints should be removed manually after upgrade to achieve full functionality, and to avoid any problems on future upgrades.

Table Name

Constraint Name


















































COLUMN Differences:

The table below lists the column difference after upgrading from 5.5.1 to 6.2  You can change the length of those columns after upgrade. 


Column Name in

CS 5.x

Column Definition in

CS 5.x upgraded to 6.2

Column Definition in brand new
CS 6.2 install











































































































































Varchar2(1)  NOT NULL

char2(1)  NOT NULL




varchar2(2000) NOT NULL




Users and User Management

(#3267) CS supports only Reads (not Writes) from the Active Directory implementation of LDAP.

For an installation of Content Server that uses Active Directory for User Management, the jndi user specified should only have read permissions. We do not guarantee what will happen if he has write permission.

(#2153) The dir:replaceattrs tag does not give an error when an attribute or user does not exist.

The dir:replaceattrs tag, which is part of the CS-Direct application that Content Server uses for user management, does not throw an exception when it is trying to replace the user attribute value of a nonexistent user attribute or for a nonexistent user.

(#8455) Deleting a user at the Content Server level does not delete that user at the CS-Direct level.

When a user is deleted at the Content Server level through Content Server Management Tools, that user is not deleted from CS-Direct sites.

(#9647) To remove a user from LDAP, first remove the user’s roles in CS

If a CS Administrator wants to remove a user from the LDAP, he should first remove all the user’s roles in the CS-Direct interface. If this step is not completed, the user can have dangling rows in UserPublication table when LDAP is used to store users (& ACLs) and CS database (UserPublication table) is used to store user roles.

(#13432) Updates made to ACLs are not reflected consistently

If the updates are made using CS User Admin Screen, they are reflected immediately. However, if ACLs are updated directly in LDAP server, then we recommend that you

  1. Restart your portal/Application server for the changes to take effect or

  2. Flush ACL cache using the url

If a user without any ACL logs in to CS, CS allows user to perform only those operations that a user with Browser ACL can perform.

(#13481) Advance Search UI screen stops rendering if you delete a user from CS Management Tools or CS Explorer

 If a user is enabled for a site and you delete the user from ContentServer Management Tools interface or from SystemUsers in Content Server Explorer, AdvanceSearch UI screen will not render. The workaround is to delete the corresponding user entry from UserPublication table

(13560) Call Stack is printed in futuretense.txt whenever a role is updated or deleted in LDAP

A call stack is seen in futuretense.txt on Weblogic 81 portal installations (See below). This is a debug message and does not indicate any problem with the LDAP integration.

May 13, 2005 3:30:05 PM][CS.AUTH][INFO] Print Call stack. Delete Role WorkflowAdmin from database and from ldap. Page name is OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddRole
java.lang.Exception: Inside delete method of FlatLDAPRoleManager.
at com.openmarket.xcelerate.roles.FlatLDAPRoleManager.delete(DashoA14174)
at com.openmarket.xcelerate.roles.RoleManager.save(DashoA14174)
at com.openmarket.xcelerate.roles.FlatLDAPRoleManager.save(DashoA14174)
at com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.RoleManagerDispatcher.Save(DashoA14174)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at com.openmarket.framework.commands.Dispatcher.Execute(DashoA14174)

(#13599) DefaultReader is not needed in CS if integrated with an external LDAP

This is an inconsistency between database and LDAP user management. You need DefaultReader in database (SystemUsers) in case of native user management but you don't need this user in any system in case of external/LDAP user management.




 (#1570) Page Debugger: Port conflict on Windows 2000.

The default debug listener port of 1025 for the Page Debugger may have a conflict on Windows 2000. This can be changed to some other port number.

(#1756) BulkLoader does not handle attributes of type blob or URL field.

(#3209) Page Debugger doesn't work for JSP pages.

Page debugger fails when trying to debug JSP pages.




(#8211) Canceling Set Participants causes the workflow to be set to all participants.

If you select a workflow for an asset, then go to the Set Participants form, then click the Cancel button, the workflow is set to all participants, as if you had selected the Select All button.

(#9651) When a user takes a Retained Assignment workflow step, an entry in the workflow history is not created.

On a retained assignment, entering content into the "Action Taken" text box produces the following message: “This step retains the current assignment. Content entered into the “Action Taken” field will not be recorded.”

(#9654) After doing "Finish My Assignment" the "Abstain" function is missing.

When a user has finished their assignment and the assignment is 'queued' (in an all-voting step) the Abstain function is incorrectly missing from the workflow actions dropdown. If this occurs when the asset is in workflow deadlock, the user may change his vote to fix the deadlock.




(#1558) XML namespaces are stripped from XML elements during evaluation.

(#13735) XMLPost can malfunction when reading files from dir with mixed extension names

(#13434) Uploading binary files to flex asset with XMLPost does not work

(#13990) XML Post fails to import UTF-8 charcaters correctly if encoding is specified

Import is successful if you remove the encoding <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> and run XML Post



CS Express

(#13275) CS Express cannot be installed on an existing CS Express install

(#13156) On uninstalling the BEA that came with CSExpress, the Start Menu folder is not deleted.

(#13157) On uninstallation of CSExpress, Fatwire directory and some of its files are not deleted.



CS Portal Interface





Undoing asset checkout displays errant message.

After undoing an asset checkout, the message " Deleted Catalog record" may appear on the bottom of the screen


DM Portlet: Identical folder/document names under the same parent folder.

Under the same parent folder, the DM Portlet allows both folders and documents to have identical names.


Message requests user to provide a unique name.

Trying to save a Spark asset without a name produces the following dialog: "You must specify a unique name for this Spark <asset type>". Note that the name does not have to be unique.


DM Portlet: Cannot delete a folder if the folder is not empty.

Cannot delete a folder if the folder contains documents or sub-folders. User must delete documents and sub-folders first.


DM Portlet: Copying a folder does not do a deep copy.

Copying a Spark folder does not perform a deep copy; i.e., it does not copy the contained sub-folders and/or documents.


DM Portlet: No confirmation when a file with the same name is to be replaced.

Uploading a file with the same name as an existing file does not prompt the user to confirm the replacement of the existing file.


Assigning a workflow process to an asset does not refresh portlets.

Assigning a workflow to an asset does not update portlets with new information.


DM Portlet: Lack of permission yet still can create document or folder.

A user lacking "Check Out" and "Edit" permissions on a folder can still create a document or folder under that folder.


DM Portlet: Navigation without permission.

A user can navigate the folders/documents in the DM Portlet even if the user lacks Inspect/View permission on the parent folder.


DM Portlet: A folder can be moved when an underlying document is unavailable.

A folder can be moved when one of its assets is checked out or opened for editing by another user.


DM Portlet: Folder can be moved when user lacks permission to edit its underlying content.

A folder can be moved when user lacks permission to move(edit) its underlying folders or documents. (Folder can be moved when its content can't.)


Search results cannot be reordered.

Clicking a column title does not reorder the search results.


Illegal participant entries in "Workflow commands" drop-down list.

On an asset's "Status" screen, the entries "Set Participants" and "Show Participants" may be displayed in the "Workflow commands" drop-down list . These entries are nonfunctional within Spark.


DM Portlet: Document can be downloaded after session timeout.

After session timeout, document downloading is still enabled.


DM Portlet: Document and folder name changed on rollback.

When a document's name and/or its parent folder is changed, rolling back the document also rolls back the document's name and/or the parent folder.


Reference portlet for Spark Ad throws a stack trace.

Reference portlet for Spark Ad throws a stack trace if nothing has been published to the production server.


DM portlet fails when running on JRockit.

DM portlet fails when running on JRockit. Workaround is to use the Sun JVM which ships with BEA portal.


In DM portlets, clicking on some links take you to search screen

After Searching for assets in the portal interface, when you click on some links in My Document portlet you may see the search screen again.


TimeZone mismatch error happens and Assignment Due date changes by 1 day in Portlet display

In workflows the times are set based on GMT. So this causes some confusion for users using the system in other time zones

13722 SUN JES Portal - Portlets will not be correctly installed if context is changed from 'cs' or 'servlet' If you change the context root to anything other than 'cs' or 'servlet', in JES3 admin console after the install then the portlets fail to load. The error seen in the logs is:

Servlet.service() for servlet desktopServlet threw exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: getWriter() has already been called for this response



CS Clients


(#13648) Revision-tracked flex asset stays locked after closing CS-Desktop if the asset existed before revision-tracking was turned on or if the version number was updated from CS-Desktop.

(#11741) CS-Desktop Images are not saved if folder does not exist.

During file conversion by CS-Desktop (implemented by Verity KeyView), CS-Desktop writes image files to the folder specified by property keyview.imagedir in futuretense_xcel.ini. There are two requirements for the folder keyview.imagedir:

1.      It must be a web-accessible folder that matches the URL prefix specified in keyview.imgurl. This ensures that CS can preview the CS-Desktop images.

2.      The folder must exist before CS-Desktop is used. This ensures that the KeyView file conversion completes successfully and saves the images.

Note that after installing CS, keyview.imagedir is set to $SHARE-directory/remoteimages and keyview.imgurl is set to /futuretense_cs/remoteimages/. You may edit these value to point to an appropriate folder, or you may keep these values and create a folder named remoteimages.

(#9414, #12962) CS-Desktop toolbar does not show up when Word is used as email editor in Outlook. Also on Windows XP, it does not load correctly

If Outlook is already open, CS-Desktop toolbar will not be displayed when MSWord is opened to connect with ContentServer.  This only occurs if MSWord is configured to be the default email editor for Outlook and Outlook has been opened first.  Outlook maybe closed and MSWord reopened as a workaround.

Workaround: CS-Desktop is a word Add-in and not just a template. There is a very subtle difference between the two of them. Especially in the way they are loaded and run. The workaround for this bug is to move the CS-Desktop.dot from the word's startup folder out to somewhere safe for example in c:\Program Files\FatWire\. Now when you start Word or Outlook, the Content Server toolbar add-in won't be loaded. If you need to load it, Click on Tools --> Templates and Add-Ins -> Click Add and browse to the CS-Desktop.dot, when you add it and click okay, it will load our CS-Desktop add-in.

(#5928) Undocumented limitation: You cannot specify named associations for an asset with CS-Desktop.

(#8125) You cannot specify values for flex attributes of type asset with CS-Desktop.

This means that flex assets that have a required attribute of type asset should not be enabled for CS-Desktop.

(#8504) When you edit a flex definition and change the number of parents that flex assets using that definition can have from single to multiple, there are problems with existing flex assets of that definition.

In such a case, when a CS-Desktop user opens a flex asset that was created with the original definition, there are no parents marked for the asset. To work around this issue, be sure that you do not enable flex asset types for CS-Desktop until you are completely finished configuring their definitions.

(#10337) CS-Desktop does not support connection via a proxy server.

(#13371) Using CS-Desktop the saved contents from word are not shown fully in the preview.

When data is saved using CS-Desktop in the form of table content then entire data is not saved hence not previewed.

(#13366)  Need to add LD_LIBRARY_PATH for CS-Desktop to function properly

When installing ContentServer on Solaris/ SUN application server or SUN webserver, you need to set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location where keyview files get copied. This is typically /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/lib. This environment variable must be set for the user who is starting/restarting the SUN application/ SUN web server.

(#13413) Unable to login to CS from CS Desktop using HTTPS as the validation for URL fails.




(#10337) CS-DocLink does not support connection via a proxy server.

(#13934) Help link on CS Doclink does not work.

The help file is present in the installed folder but not registered correctly.



Content Server Explorer

(#3439) Content Server Explorer (CSE) issue with Export to Zip format

If your Content Server system is using the UTF-8 or Shift-JIS character sets, please be aware of the following problem with exporting tables in the ZIP format from CSE. File names (such as an element's url file) containing non-English characters will cause the export to fail. As a workaround you can export those
records or the table using the CSE format. There is no problem with the content of the files (any valid UTF-8 or Shift-JIS characters will work), only the file names are an issue.

(#3644) CSE crashes when importing project with an empty catalog

Workaround is to make sure that all the catalogs in a project have at least one record



 Contacting FatWire 

To contact FatWire Corporation about technical support for your product:

Web: http://www.fatwire.com/support




FatWire documentation

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